With the rise in digital crimes and malicious activities such as hacking, money laundering, and social engineering, it is crucial to enhance our control over digital assets. However, this control must be decentralised and distributed to prevent the concentration of power in a single entity or group.
By implementing a semi-centralised control system, we can ensure that if digital assets are tampered with, the issues can be traced, suspended, recovered, or reproduced. We will establish standards for these controls, and only tokens that comply with these standards will receive our accreditation.
dAOSuspend(address[] perpetrators)
// Mass suspension of alleged perpetrators' addresses by DAO contract
dAOUnsuspend(address[] perpetrators)
// Mass unsuspension of cleared address by DAO contract
transfer(address to, unint256 amount)
// New transfer incorporating suspension
transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 amount)
// New transfer incorporating suspension
dAOTransferFrom(address perpetrator, address to, uint256 amount)
// Executed by the DAO contract
dAOBurn(address perpetrator, uint256 amount)
// Executed by the DAO contract
dAOMint(address to, uint256 amount)
// Executed by the DAO contract
changeOwner(address newOwner)
// Transfer ownership to the new DAO contract
owner() view returns(address)
// Reflect the address of the DAO contract